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Version: 2.0.0


Assets page provides detailed information about assets, featuring sorting and filtering options to view them by type, status (active or inactive), and WAF exposure (exposed or protected). Users can also perform searches to locate specific assets quickly. The interface is designed to help manage and analyse asset data effectively, ensuring that critical information is easily accessible. By organizing assets in this way, it supports better decision-making and risk management.


Filters: The user can apply filters, based on:

  • Asset Selection: Choose from a dropdown menu.
  • Asset Types: Filter by Domain, Subdomain, or IP Addresses.
  • Status: Select either Active or Inactive.
  • WAF: Filter by Protected or Exposed.
  • Search: Type directly to find specific assets by name.

Clicking on a particular asset then redirects to the asset details page

Domain View


The Domain view provides with

  • Asset risk score
  • Specific details for Asset type, Asset Name, WAF, WAF Details and Severity wise findings
  • Technologies Detected
  • Discovery Path
  • Lookalike Domains


Findings List for the asset consisting of the fields

  • Category Name
  • Severity
  • Name
  • Findings Details
  • Risk Score
  • Remediation references


Subdomain View

The Subdomain detailed view provides with

  • Risk Score
  • Specific details for Asset type, Asset Name, WAF, WAF Details, Severity wise findings.
  • Technologies Detected
  • Discovery Path


IP Addresses View

The IP detailed view provides with

  • Risk Score
  • Specific details for Asset type, Asset Name, WAF, WAF Details, Severity wise findings.
  • Discovery Path
  • Ports
  • Cloud Providers


Findings for that asset including details for:

  • Category Name
  • Severity
  • Name
  • Findings Details
  • Risk Score
  • Remediation References
