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Version: 2.0.0


This section gives the user a tabular view of all the cybersecurity initiatives composed of the following details for each initiative:

  • Name/ Title of the initiative.
  • The user(s) to whom the initiative has been assigned to.
  • How far the initiative has progressed.
  • When is it scheduled.


The toggle on the top right corner can help the user switch between the initiatives assigned to and created by them.

Assigned to

Initiatives assigned to the user

Created by

Initiatives created by the user

The total number of initiatives is given at the bottom of the table.

Total Initiatives

Steps to edit an initiative:

  1. Click on the initiative you wish to edit.

Edit Initiative 1

  1. Edit the required field(s).
    • The following fields can be edited:
      • Name
      • Description
      • Scheduled date
      • Cycle duration
      • Assignee(s)

Edit Initiative 2

  1. Edit an existing task by changing its name, description, and status or by updating the existing file.
  2. Add a new task if needed.

Edit Initiative 3

  1. Click on the 'Save' button to save the changes and exit.

To set up a new Cyber Security Initiative, please refer to the 'Key Cyber Security Initiatives' page.